So, I also can't give Luke all the credit, even though that cute little 19 lb bundle of all boy goodness is responsible for most things we do these days. He does seem to have an invisible whip that magically forces us to do things that we would never do before. Literally, I have never sung so many silly songs in the previous 30 years as I have in the past 6 months of knowing this boy. Luckily, I have discovered that I am excellent {beyond} at creating really good songs, rhyming, verses and all. Seriously, I should burn an EP. But having L has driven me to have a healthier, more holistic, approach to our everyday lives. Also contributing, has been my long, tedious journey to finally "figure out" my "gut" issues. It's a funny thing, that you can go to an IG specialist, get probed, prodded, scoped, etc and they can quickly suggest surgery based on a virtual guess. Or that your issue could be one of 4-5 diagnosis and you have to "rule" them out one by one, only speculating at your problem without knowing 100%. Frustrating doesn't even come close, but that is our modern medicine people. I know, I know- believe me, I am not knocking it because I welcome it with open arms when I need it but believe me, no one is getting any of my organs without proving it to me first. But we are too quick to write prescriptions and try to fix the symptoms without really finding the problem first. I don't know about you, but I don't really want to be on antibiotics bi-monthly or popping my daily limit in tylenol or whatever migraine meds I can get a hold of. So, a drastic change in my diet with crazy restrictions is what my future holds. But, essential oils and home-made cleaning products and other items are helping us to not only live in a homeopathic way, but also, surprisingly, save money. I think we call that a win-win.
and he knows he's the boss |
I wish I could make myself look good and say from a young age I had this enlightenment about essential oils and their benefit to your health and mentality. But when I say that I have been benefiting from them since I was young, it was in a little bit of a mis-directed way. Well, in actuality, I didn't know I was using them and they weren't in their purest form to say the least. I am about to be honest in a way that is a little embarrassing: but I was a child so that;s ok. My earliest memory is being at a friend's house in 2nd or 3rd grade and my stomach was hurting {probably because I really did not want to be there} but to get me to stay this girl bribed me with ice cream. The ice cream just happened to be mint chocolate chip aka peppermint. Like I said, not in it's purest form- I know! But that did the trick- no more stomach ache. From then on, through high school and college {and beyond} every time I had my "gut" issues I would get a peppermint mocha from Starbucks. So, I have known for a very long time that peppermint was medicinal and I knew from personal experience- of sorts. :)
Really, my first oils to "use" were peppermint, eucalyptus {we used to put it in our sauna to clear sinuses and purify} and lavender. For years, I have used oils in baths and tried some pre-mixed oils for headaches but it wasn't until I was pregnant that I was really introduced to the rest. The only remedy for my morning sickness and nauseous was lavender. I would spray it on my pillow, in the air or basically wear it as a perfume. It still helps me to this day to fall asleep more soundly {well if Luke will let me...} and to relax and unwind in the bath. My husband and I used oils to prepare for birth and my doula, Kiesha, used oils during my labor. Since that time, I have used them more than ever, whether it be in L's wipe solution, in cleaning products or preventative purposes. All of these uses I will go into more detail as I showcase them oil by oil. So, there you have it- that is how these oils became my acquaintances, but now I dare to call them my close friends... look how far we've come!
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