Sunday, February 23, 2014

Playing Favorites

Now I know in life you aren't supposed to play favorites: with your children, pets or other family members.  But I think it's OK when you are talking about essential oils; although, it may be quite difficult to choose which one will be your favorite.  I like to approach it as which one I am currently in love with, being open to that changing daily, weekly or even hourly since they are all so great!

best lavender ever!

But, today, my favorite is lavender.  Maybe because it was one of the first oils I truly used.  Possibly because it is "universal" in that is has like 1001 uses.  Definitely because it saved my life and sanity the first 3 months of my pregnancy.

These are some of my favorite uses so far for Lavender:
1. helps me personally combat nausea by spraying on my pillow at night, in the air or even on my skin so I smell it throughout the day
2. use it in a bath with Epsom salt to relax and drift off to sleep easier (paired with it on my pillow)
3. use alongside of frankincense and peppermint oil on my forehead and the back of my neck to combat headaches.
4. use it on Luke whenever he gets that "baby acne" or little bumps/rash caused from simple reactions to everyday stuff.  I use it straight {without dilution} on his skin and in a matter of an hour or two it's gone and his skin is clear.  For all you friends out there with eczema, I have heard it works wonders!
5. Since he was born, I have been using lavender as part of his cloth wipe solution.  We use cloth diapers and wipes and although some of you may be thinking I am crazy, believe me, it is so, so easy! They absorb much better than the store bought wipes and you only have to use one per changing rather than 3-4 for those really messy diapers and we just throw them in the wash with his diapers- easy!  :) We have never really dealt with diaper rash with Luke and I believe it is largely because of our choice to use this natural solution, wipes and diapers.  This is the "recipe" if any of you are interested.  I got it from our local cloth diapering store but have found similar ones online.  I like this one the best- it literally takes me 2 minutes to make enough for a couple weeks.

all this and some distilled water and you are all set!

Cloth Diaper Solution
2 cups distilled water
2-5 drops tea tree {melaleuca} oil
2-5 drops lavender oil
1 tsp. of your favorite baby wash

I use Burt's Bees and started out with a blended oil that had tea tree and lavender so I would add around 8 or 9 drops of that.  I also use a lot of California Baby wash as well and either one works great! I put it in a mason jar, screw the top on and shake! One jar fills our cloth wipe dispenser and the other one goes in the fridge until we need to fill it again.  So easy!

did I mention they smell amazing?

You can find the lavender and melaleuca {tea tree} here as well as many other oils I will introduce soon!

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